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Showing posts from May, 2009

Modified ACP Scheme

Government has notified the new ACP SCHEME for Central Government Employees as recommended by the Sixth Central Pay Commission. The Scheme would be known as " MODIFIED ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION SCHEME (MACPS) FOR THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. The Government has considered the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission for introduction of a MACPS and has accepted the same with further modification to grant three financial upgradations under the MACPS at intervals of 10, 20 and 30 years of continuous regular service. The scheme would be operational w.e.f. 01.09.2008. In other words, financial upgradations as per the provisions of the earlier ACP Scheme ( of August, 1999) would be granted till 31.08.2008. Office Memorandum :

Railways ACP Scheme suspended

Government of India MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) No. PC-V/2009/ACP/1 New Delhi, Dated the 11.02. 2009 The General Managers All Indian Railways and PUs. Sub: Financial upgradation under the ACP Scheme on implementation of revised pay structure under Sixth CPC. As a consequence of implementation of 6th CPC recommendations a new pay structure has come into existence w.e.f. 01.01.2006. With a view to regulate the ACP Scheme in context of new / revised pay structure a reference seeking certain clarification has been made to DOP&T advised that implementation of ACP Scheme may please be suspended immediately till further instructions are issued from Board's office. (N.P.Singh) Deputy Director, Pay Commission-V Railway Board

No full pension for those who retired before 2.9.08

We all know that as per 6CPC recommendations for pension benefits which was also implemented by the Government, CG employees who have completed the qualifying service of 20 years will be eligible for full pension (viz., 50 % of last pay drawn).  However, the Government gave effect to this order only from 2.9.2008 and those who retired before 2.9.2008, completion of 33 years of service is mandatory for getting full pension. As per Office memorandum No: 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008 Government Servants who retired during 1.1.2006 to 1.9.08 after completion of 33 years of qualifying service will be eligible for full pension and the pension of those Government Servants who retired before 2.9.08 with qualifying service of less than 33 years will continue to be proportionate to the full pension based on their actual qualifying service. However, this decision was objected by many of the pensioners as pay benefits except allowance were given with effect from 1.1.06 by the governm...