With an effort to introduce Central Government Employees & Pensioners Health InsuranceScheme (CGEPHIS) recommended by Sixth Central Pay Commission, Ministry of Health & FamilyWelfare, invites Expressions of Interest from Insurers and Health Insurance consultants for the proposed scheme. As per the document known as Expression of Interest published the CGHS website in this regard,Government of India proposes to provide inpatient health care services to the following personnel of the Central Government . Beneficiaries All personnel of the Central Government including All India Service officers, serving, newly recruited, retired and retiring and others who are covered under the existing CGHS(Central Government Health Services) and under CS (MA) [Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules] Rules shall be offered Health Insurance Scheme on voluntary or on compulsorily basis . This could be: CGEPHIS shall be compulsory to new Central Government Employees wh...
The posts listed here are from various news sources and express only early views about Seventh Pay Commission. The SPC report will be published only in April. So dont take these posts for authenticated info.