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Showing posts from October, 2013

Dept. of Posts : Grant of GP 1800 to Group D/MTS who retired/expired from service after 31-08-2008

The issue of allowing Grade pay of Rs. 1800 to those erstwhile group D non- matriculate employees who retire/died. beyond 29-08-2008 without being imparted prescribed training for one reason or the other is currently under examination in consultation with Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure '... Read the order ....

Railways : Private cash ceiling hiked

In continuation of above mentioned instructions regarding declaration of private cash of Staff before taking up duty, Ministry of Railways have decided to increase the monetary ceiling from Rs . .... Read more....

HUDCO rent to own scheme to help govt employees own a house

The House and Urban Development Corporation (Hudco) has some good news for those who have been dreaming a home in the city. The new scheme is ‘’rent-to-own-scheme’’ under which it will finance the construction of affordable housing projects in major urban centres ..... Read more....

Minutes of DoPT Meeting by INDWF

Indian National Defence Workers Federation continuously representing in various forums and also raised before Hon’ble Defence Minister on the pending issues of Defence Civilian employees.  Now on the following issues, decisions were taken by Ministry of Defence which are as follows .... Read more....

Accommodation (GPRA) : Priority allotment to the personal staff of Union Ministers / dignitaries

Personal staff attached with the Union Mirnstets and other dignitaries and key officials working in the Vice-President's Secretariat, Prime Minister's Office and Cabinet Secretariat are eligible for priority/out of tum allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) in accordance with the provisions contained in SR 317-B-8A of the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963 and this Directorate’s OM ... Read the order ....

Timely payment of dues of encashment of leave on superannuation

of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972, the authority competent to grant leave is suo mote required to issue an order granting cash equivalent of leave salary for both earned leave and half pay leave, if any, at the credit of the Government servant on the date of his retirement, subject to the prescribed limits. .... Read more....

Revised format Service Book : Simplification of procedure for Service verification

which relate to maintaining records of service of a Government employee. The provisions of SR- 199 and 202 require that "Every step in a Government servant's official life must be recorded in his Service Book and each entry must be attested by the Head of his Office...." (SR199) and that "It shall be the duty of every Head of Office to initiate ... Read more....

Non-Central Staffing Scheme post : Extension in deputation tenure beyond 7 years

Sub:- Extension in deputation tenure beyond the prescribed limit of seven years/premature repatriation from a Non—Central Staffing Scheme post – reg. As per the ACC directions, an officer working on a Central Staffing Scheme (CSS) post is allowed an additional tenure of two years on his shift to a Non-Central Staffing Scheme post and vice-versa, subject to cadre clearance and further subject to the maximum limit of seven .... Read more....

NPS : Exit Guidelines - Option for withdrawal

Subject: Exit guidelines under National Pension System – Option for Complete withdrawal of accumulated pension wealth by subscriber. In partial modification of exit guidelines provided under master circular no: PFRDA/2013/2/PDEX/2 (at Serial no: 2 & 3) dt: 22/01/2013, it has been decided to provide an option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth to subscribers other than the subscribers of NPS Lite – Swavalamban Scheme, subject to the condition that: .... Read more...

Railway : Grant of ad-hoc bonus for 30 days to Gr. C & D RPF/RPSF

The President is pleased to decide that all Group 'C' & 'D' RPF/RPSF personnel, may be granted ad-hoc bonus equivalent to 30 (thirty) days emoluments for the financial year 2012-2013, without any eligibility wage ceiling. The calculation ceiling of 7 3500/- will remain unchanged. 2. The benefit will be admissible subject to the following terms and conditions:- Read the order : ......

Dopt guidelines on protection of Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of Informers

Subsequent to the Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of informers’ Resolution 2004 (PIDPI), the Commission has created a mechanism for handling complaints where identity of the complainant is kept secret and the complainant is provided protection. This has been endorsed and operationalized by the Central Government with the approval of the competent authority .... Read more....

NPS : Changes is Investment Guidelines

The following changes in the investment guidelines have been made :- 1.1 Debt securities selected for Investments should have a minimum residual maturity period of  three years from the date of investment by the Pension Fund. 1.2 Debt securities must have an investment grade rating from at least two credit rating agencies.  Apart from ratings by agencies. PF shall undertake their own due diligence for assessment of risks associated with the securities before investments. Read more....

Railway Group "C" Staff Cadre Restructuring

The Ministry of Railways have had under review Cadres of certain Group 'C' staff in consultation with both the recognized Federations (AIRF/NFIR) with a view to strengthen and rationalize the staffing pattern on Railways. As a result of the review undertaken on the basis of functional, operational and administrative requirements, it has been decided with ... Read the order....

NFIR / Western Railway Mazdoor Sangh strike called off

The strike call given by the National Federation of Indian Railwaymen and Western Railway Mazdoor Sangh was withdrawn till the December working committee meeting after the railway board recently accepted all the major demands of the unions. The move comes following the Cadre Restructuring, issue of 78 days PL Bonus & the announcement of the 7th Central Pay Commission ..... Read More.....

PCDA : Ex-gratia to pre-1986 CPF retirees / dependent enhanced

Please refer to Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of pension & Pensioner’s welfare OM No: 45/52/97- P&PW (E), dated 16-12-1997 sanctioning monthly payment of an amount of Rs.600/- as ex-gratia, to CPF beneficiaries who had retired from service prior to 1-1-1986. This amount was payable w.e.f. 01-11-1997 ... Read more...

ECHS: Unlisted Lab Tests in Emergency

3. in continuation of the policy as per letter at Para 1 above henceforth for any unlisted lab test advised by concerned specialist of empanelled hospital an Appx `A’ for unlisted procedures will be filled up and countersigned by the med specialist of non military ECHS Polyclinics for charges upto Rs. 5000/-. ... Read more...

Minutes of the 23rd SCOVA meeting on 20.09.2013

Please find enclosed herewith a copy of minutes of the 23rd meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary AgenCies (SCOVA) held on 20th September, 2013 under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS (PP) at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi for your kind perusal and necessary action .... Read more...

NIFR urges against railway order on MACPS

NFIR vide its letter dated 29/07/2013 had invited attention of Railway Board to their letter dated 31/01/2013 wherein clarifications have been issued by Board contrary to the instructions issued by DoP&T vide 0.M. dated 4th 0ctober, 2012 allowing benefit of MACPS in the following situation:- ... Read more....

Railway Bonus - Order Issued

The railways have issued order regarding the Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees for the financial year 2012-2013. View the orderScroll for english .... read the order ...

Cabinet approves 78 day wages as bonus for Railway

The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal of the Ministry of Railways for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 days wages for the financial year 2012-13 for all eligible non-gazetted railway employees. Over 12.37 lakh non-gazetted railway employees will benefit from the decision of the Cabinet. Though there are a total of 13.26 lakh railway employees, 1.26 lakh .... read more...

Bonus order for Autonomous Bodies

The President is pleased to sanction Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 (Seventy Eight) days wages without any ceiling on wages for eligibility for the financial year 2012-13 to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees (excluding all RPF/RPSF personnel). Where wages exceed Rs. 3500/- per month, Productivity Linked Bonus will be calculated as if ‘wages’ are Rs. 3500/- p.m ....Read more....

Bonus for Postal Employees, Gramin Dak Sevaks, Casual labourers

I am directed to convey the approval of the President of India for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the accounting year 2012-2013 equivalent of emoluments of 60 (Sixty) days to the employees of Department of Posts in Group `D`,Group `C` and non Gazetted Group `B`. Ex-gratia payment of Bonus to Gramin Dak Sevaks who are ...Read more....

7th Pay Commission may recommend performance-linked pay system

The government last week cleared the setting up of the 7th Central Pay Commission for its employees. The move may be prudent politically but it will add to the problems of the next government which will also be burdened with the impact of the Food Bill on financial and the Land Bill on investment ..... Read more.....

78-day wages as bonus likey for Railway employees

The Railways is likely to announce 78-day wages as bonus, same as last year, for its employees for 2012-13."The proposal for declaring 78-day productivity-linked bonus for railway employees is being finalised with railway unions and it will go to the Cabinet for a final decision," a senior Railway Ministry official said.The NIFR and AIRF had demanded for the bonus to be increased from the last yea .... read more...