Unhappy at the recommendations of the sixth Pay Commission, IPS Association tonight asked the government not to accept its suggestions as it came up with a list of demands including parity with IAS in terms of pay, promotion and other service conditions.
The association threatened agitation if its demands were not met.
A General Body Meeting (GBM) of the IPS, which met here to deliberate over the Pay Commission recommendations, also demanded formation of a Group of Ministers (GoM) to look into the concerns of the police service.
"The GBM expressed deep anguish at the recommendations of the sixth Pay Commission and urged the government not to accept it," said a resolution adopted at the meeting.
"There should be parity in terms of pay, promotion, pension and other service conditions with IAS at all levels," it said.
It demanded that the post of Director General of Police be made equivalent to the Chief Secretary and sought abolition of the post of Deputy Inspector General.
The Association asked the government to "recognise police in national security and development, thereby giving police its rightful respect and dignity."
It also demanded transparency in procedures to be followed in implementing the recommendations of the pay commission.
At the three-hour meeting, some IPS officers expressed desire to quit the service while some threatened to return the medals given to them by the government if their demands were not met, sources said.
With general elections being just a year away, the IPS officers are likely to mount pressure on the government.
Find out the arrear calculator based on Sixth Pay Commission report here - http://6pc.in/arcalc/Discuss the pay commission report at http://www.staffcorner.com/